Tattooing By Joe Kennedy

Tattoo Connection
205 Route 23
Wantage, N.J. 07461

All work you see on this blog has been done by Joe Kennedy.
Tattooing since 1989.
I love working with a customer's ideas and help to get those ideas translated into the skin.
From the simple, to elaborate custom work.
As you will see, throughout this blog, that I do all kinds of work and work in many tattoo styles.





Graveyard Tattoo is growing

Adding and reworking the skulls, making this tattoo more complete. The original Dark Angel and skulls were not as detailed or well done as they could have been. Check out the older post to see the difference.
I added shading and details to complet the image of the old graveyard. The old creepy tree seems to have digested the bones of the past.

So you can get tattooed by someone else or get tattooed at Rose City Tattoo.

Cemetary tattoo Close ups of the reworked skulls.

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