Tattooing By Joe Kennedy

Tattoo Connection
205 Route 23
Wantage, N.J. 07461

All work you see on this blog has been done by Joe Kennedy.
Tattooing since 1989.
I love working with a customer's ideas and help to get those ideas translated into the skin.
From the simple, to elaborate custom work.
As you will see, throughout this blog, that I do all kinds of work and work in many tattoo styles.





Bio mechanical tattoo

bio-mechanical tattoo
More of my freehand work, here is a bio mechanical piece I did all in black and gray. Under the skin is the workings of a bio mechanical machine. What is under your skin? I have often done work ripping through the skin, whether it is a tiger or or other animal or even a machine being revealled as the skin is pealed away or rotting. Finding original ideas for your tattoos is much easier than it use to be,Click Here!

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